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Botox therapy: "Mimik ist Charisma, Falten aber bitte nur für den Mini"

The wish to endue juvenile and tense skin even at old age is as old as mankind. One of the newest methods is the Botulinum therapy. By injecting the pharmaceutical Botulinum, involuntary persistent muscle strain can be calmed down systematicly.

Botulinum is produced in highly secured areas as a means of chemical warfare, but  medicine makes use of this substance as purified protein of the bacterium clostridium botulinum in a very attentuated form produced in laboratory.

This "Beauty-Poison" (Vogue 1998) is suitable for all crinkles which are based on mimical muscles. Botulinum inhibits the transmission of neural impulses within a muscle which means that you cannot furrow your brow even if you want to.

At the same time, it is my goal to respect the customers wish - ergo how smooth shall the brow be?

Adverse Reactions: Redness, pains / infalmmations at the injecting area and excessive disconvulsion of the mimical musculature.

It lasts about 4-8 months, as an secondary action it is known that patients with disturbing headache experience an amelioration. Further indications are excessive sweating  on axle-/ hand- and foot areas and neural disease patterns.

