With the help of this peeling method slowly horning skin areas are faster peeled off, a recent fresh skin soon is visible. I'm working with 70% fruit acid, which is applied on the skin 3 minutes the first day - this time increases weekly by another 3 minutes.
Subsequently, the customer should cool the skin and apply much humidity

Attractive Skin at every age
Juvenile fresh, attractive appearance is an indication of health and success.
The modern aesthetic dermatology provides possibilities to correct aging-determined blemishes of the skin impressively. With impure, dull, brindled or droopy skin one can actually do a lot today for an attractive skin.
The secret of a beautiful skin is a gentle, at the same time effective treatment with a highly concentrated fruit acid (alpha Hydroxy Acid, AHA) and an individually coordinated active care with modern AHA preparations, which are outstanding suitable for the long-term application.

How do impurities arise?
Too strongly in-the-pores-sticking horn cells obstruct the tallow flow and allow blackheads to develop. In the excessive amount of tallow, bacteria can grow excellent. Blains are the result.
Why does our complexion become blunt and brindled?
The natural light callosity forms as a consequence of excessive sun exposure through increased on-the-skin-sticking horn cells. They take the gloss off the complexion and make it appear brindled and blunt. Hormonal influences additionally promote the formation of brown marks.
How do dry skin, skin slackening and crow's feet develop?
Determined by age, the cell recreation and the skin metabolism slows down. The production of water-binding proteins and connective tissue fibres decreases. The skin becomes dry, sensitive and thinner. Extended little veins become visible and crow's feet develop.
Our recommendation:
Fruit acid peeling as individual health service and the problem oriented conceived AHA active care adjust specifically all skin problems mentioned. They smooth impure or blunt, brindled skin and keep skin metabolism, which is getting older, active. Therefore it is also called "Fitness training for the skin".
As therapy method against indications of skin aging, peeling and daily AHA active care are today the basis of all further skin rejuvenilation measures. With therapy-supplementing use the results of the acne treatment become clearly better.